Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I am a victim of hurry-up summer vaction-itis!! Words cannot describe just how excited am to spend more time with my kids when school is out.

For many years, my heart's desire was to be a stay at home Mom. God is just so good. Now that I work on the weekends, when my kids are not at home, it allows me to be home with them all week. How cool is that???

Granted, this came about in a way I could have never foreseen. Nevertheless, my God continues to care for me in so many ways. He never ceases to amaze me.

The thought of having my kids home every weekday is making me giddy!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!! There will be lots of swimming, hanging out with the Herrmann's, day trips, beach trips and sleeping in. AHHHHHHHH......

Let the countdown begin!!!

How about y'all?? What plans do you have for the summer??